Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Introduction to Emotion

Over the last few months my life has changed drastically. I've been through good times, bad times and some times when I wished I would jsut wake up. Moving out and going to college is a big push I needed to get through life and over this time I have been able to do a lot more than I did while living at home. For a start, during the summer I played a lot of games, I watched a lot of films and tv shows and did a lot more of my writing. I even started to storyboard a story I have been writing for over a year as a push to motivate myself and watch it all come together. It has actually turned out to be a really big help.
(So far it is still only known as Test but I'm starting to think that maybe it's a fitting title.)
One of the biggest things I have studied when watching and playing is the emotions of the characters. That for me is the biggest thing that I take note of and carefully analyse to try and put myself in the mind of the different characters. Doing this completely changes the way the movie feels.

For example, in my storyboard the guy on the bottom left and his brother to the right of him are both out for revenge against their father, the man above to the left. However, even thoguh they want the same thing their views are different as they have much different lives. The left brother is somewhat violent and short tempered who wants revenge against his father because he thinks he cares little for his family. The brother on the right is a smart, calm, collected college student who wants revenge against their father for leaving their mother in a depression which led to her death. They have two very different mindsets.

This blog is about the things I have seen in movies, tv shows and video games which I find emotional moments whether they are deaths, sad moments, happy moments or just breakthroughs in people's lives. Obviously there will be spoilers for each of them so be careful if you do not wish to see them.
I hope you enjoy this blog.

- Dieter

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