"While this isn't exactly a blog post on television, movies or games, it is infact a piece of work I wrote myself after my councillor told me to write it, I still feel as though I would like to share it. The task was for me to write down what I believe the shapes and colours of love, hate and fear to be. This is just my perspective on these feelings and emotions which in some way fits into the theme of Emotion in Visual Art."
I find that hate and love share both the same principal, basis and meaning. It is a strong feeling towards something which has heavily impacted your life in which both can be positive or negative. We need time to hate and time to love which balances out our personality and feelings.At this point I would say that love and hate are both the color white. Each one starts off as nothing and ends nothing. Both of these emotions can take on many forms in many different ways and to me it seems impossible and implausible to try to define a certain color to them if they are constantly changing. In my personal experience I have gone through many forms of love and hate, each one daunting, painful and frightening. In my mind the memories are always there to remind me of what I wanted, what I had and what I lost. It started as white, went through many changes and inevitably, ended being what it was at the beginning, nothing.
The color of fear however I feel is different. While not exactly being the opposite, I find this color to be black. The biggest fear I feel that people have is the fear of the unknown. Unknown is usually thought of as being black in situation such as being scared of the dark, the idea of not knowing what is all around you which could do you harm, the fear of the end of life, people typically and justifiably think of death as being either a dark time or that when you die everything just becomes black whether they believe in the afterlife or not, or fear in the sense that you do not know what will happen in everyday life, such as losing your job, losing a loved one etc.
Even though I feel the colors of these emotions are the same, the shapes are a completely different matter. In my opinion I feel the shapes represent more of the actions than the emotions.Hate - To me hate has doesn't have a shape. The only way I could describe it would be a water, liquid type substance. Hate fuels emotions and can cause people to behave in erratic and irrational ways without thinking for either yourself or others. Hate can have many different meanings to people. With new information and situations, hate changes a person drastically and can force them to change their lives forever. Therefore, hate is the shape of water in the way that it can slip through your fingers and go wherever it want's if not contained properly.
Love - In an opposite way that hate has no shape, love, to me, is a very strong and bordered shape. I guess that it would be a square with very thick edges. Love, as well as hate, can make you act in irrational and out of character ways. But the difference between them is that with love you are doing it for a sole purpose, most notable to protect somebody. When you 'fall in love', a concept that I find diminishing and untrustworthy, you begins to find your life building around. For example, a square has four sides, four walls in which you build up a protective barrier. Your mind is now focused on making sure whatever is inside that barrier, whether it be a person, an object, a secret etc, stays safe and making sure it doesn't come to harm. Only when it begins to feel harm from the outside the sides expand and become jaggy, spiking out as to ward away and people who you believe mean harm. In this way, the person becomes more aggressive and unresponsive to common sense and advice from those who care about them. If the people feels harm from the inside, example, a person was cheating on them, the shape would them gradually or drastically lose it's form and mold into the hate substance. In this way I find that love is more dangerous than hate.
It's sad that through many centuries love has been defined as the ultimate goodness in life. But in reality, all it is is just a weapon to fuel hatred if not used correctly.
As much as I tried, and it took me a long time, I just couldn't figure out what my color was for fear. I even went through a color chart trying to find one that I feel relates most but nothing came up. In the end I realized that I didn't have one color for fear. They were all fear. Every single color in that chart was the color of fear. We are all scared of so many different things, I myself am scared of so much even something as small as just talking to a cashier at a shop. Fear has no color because fear is everything.
Everything in this world has at least one person afraid of it no matter how another finds it safe.
Ironically that's what scares me the most.
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